Here are some of the most commonly asked questions. If you have a question that is not listed or need more explanation on a listed question, please call or e-mail us.
How long is the class?
The State of Texas requires 4 to 6 hours of classroom time plus however long it takes to qualify to obtain a License To Carry Handgun License. The course consists of both classroom instruction and shooting proficiency at the range. KCHS start at 8:00 am and the classroom portion will be completed between 2:00 pm and 2:30 pm. From there, we will take a written test and then qualify on the range. If you have a military range card within 10 years old or are a correctional officer/jailer, you are not required to qualify on the range. Only the classroom portion is required.
I need to renew my license, do I need to take a class again?
No and it is against DPS rules to even advertise renewal classes. With the change in the LTC laws, license holders need only to submit a renewal application online and submit their renewal fees to the State.
What are the fees for obtaining a Texas Handgun License?
The class fee is $50.00 with certain discounts available. From there you will have more fees owed to the State of Texas. The fees vary per individual. The basic fee is $40.00 for the state application and license processing. This is only due when you fill out your application and not at the time of the class. Veterans, senior citizens, active and retired law enforcement officers, active and retired judicial officers, active and 1 year discharged military, retired federal officer, felony prosecuting attorney and indigent receive a discounted rate or have their fees waived altogether. For the complete fees chart, go to the Texas DPS website. The last fee is a fingerprint fee of $10.
Texas Department of Public Safety Fees
How do I get a student application package?
The State application is completed online. If you do not have the internet, a paper application will be given out at the class and are free to the students. Notify us in advance if you want a paper application.
Once I submit my application, when should I expect to receive my license?
The Department will make every effort to issue your license within a few weeks of receiving the completed application packet, or inform you that you did not meet the eligibility criteria. Once your application is complete, processing may take up to 180 days if your background check reveals potentially disqualifying events or information. With the electronic application, your wait time will be cut down. KCHS can not tell exactly how long the process will take since it is in the hands of the State of Texas.
How long will my license be valid?
Initial licenses are valid for four years from the date of issue plus up until your next birthday. Renewal licenses are valid for five years. The license will remain valid as long as you continue to meet all the eligibility criteria.
Where is the class held?
The class will be held in Kempner for the Fort Hood, Killeen, Copperas Cove and surrounding areas or in China Spring/Valley Mills for the Waco and surrounding areas. If you want a private or corporate class, please call or email and we will set up a class. A list of the class dates and locations are on the calendar page.
Where will the shooting take place?
The shooting proficiency will be held at Texas Star Shooting Range for the Kempner classes. Double B range will be used for the China Spring/Valley Mills classes.
What is the cost of the passport photos?
Passport photos are required for a License To Carry handgun license. If you have a Texas Driver’s License or a Texas ID card, the state will use your photo from the license or ID on your LTC License. If you have an out of state driver’s license, you will be required to submit photos. The cost varies depending where you have them taken.
What disqualifies me from getting a license?
A Felony, Class A or B misdemeanor or domestic violence, delinquent child support, psychiatric disorder, chemical dependency, being fugitive from justice, being incapable of exercising sound judgment with regards to firearms, delinquent in taxes, under a protective order or misrepresentation on the LTC application. If you are unsure about a certain conviction you may have received, contact your local law enforcement agency or the Texas DPS.
If I do not speak English, may I take your class?
My class is taught in English only. Since I am responsible for the information that is taught, I do not allow translators for the reason that I cannot verify what is being said to you via the translation.
What happens if I am in the class and I have to leave for an emergency?
If there is an emergency where you must leave the class, you will have to make up the remaining class time at a later date before you receive your class completion form.
When do I need to notify you that I am attending a class?
Please try to notify me as soon as possible to a class that you wish to take. The classes fill up fast and there is limited seating. If you wish to sign up online, go to my class dates section my this website.
Do I need a handgun for the class?
Yes and no. You will need to qualify but if you do not own a handgun, you may us one of ours. You will be required to purchase the ammunition on your own or through us. We can rent you a 9mm semi automatic pistol if you do not have one. Also, we sell the ammunition for the qualifying as well. If you use one of our guns and want to buy your own ammo, we do not allow steel cased ammo or reloads. Only factory brass ammo will be allowed in our handguns.
What kind of handgun do I need for the class?
Any handgun can be used for qualifying whether it is a semi automatic or a revolver. There is no minimum caliber required anymore. If you want to qualify with a 22 caliber pistol, you are allowed.
If I am a legal resident alien, can I get a license?
Under federal law, aliens who have been admitted to the U.S. under a non-immigrant visa, usually are not qualified to purchase a handgun and therefore, do not qualify for a license. However, as long as you were not admitted under a non-immigrant visa and are a legal resident of Texas, you may qualify.
What happens if something comes back on my application packet?
If something comes back on the application, call and we will address the problem.
If I am licensed in Texas, may I carry in another state?
Your Texas License To Carry Handgun License allows you to carry a handgun in 38 states. You can go to the Texas Department of Public Safety website to see which states recognize Texas concealed handgun licenses. Also, there is an app for phones and tablets that tells every state you can carry in and the laws of those states. It is called CCW 50 State.
It is legal to carry in your vehicle now, why should I get a license?
Most of the time crimes do not happen while you are in your vehicle. Sure there is the occasional car-jacking but besides that, more crime happens to people out in public away from their vehicles. This is the time you need your handgun and handgun license.
If I can get a non resident license from another state, why not just do that?
You have every right to obtain a non resident concealed license but you must keep some factors in mind. First of all, many states do not recognize non-resident licenses. Many more states could possibly begin do this. If it happens in Texas, then you will not be allowed to carry in Texas with a non resident license and you will have to take the Texas course anyways. Also, you need to know the Texas laws so that you are not illegally carrying, since each state has different laws.
How can I be sure that the instructor is a certified handgun instructor?
Updated lists will be available at most DPS offices and by calling 512-424-7293, 512-424-7294 or 1-800-224-5744. Also you may check out the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Concealed Handgun Association web sites.